The Economic Role Turkey Plays in The Russian-Ukrainian Conflict


Many believed that the world in the second millennium would experience matchless economic prosperity; however, the Russian-Ukrainian war, which began in mid-February of 2022, changed the face of the modern world once and for all; therefore, the world entered a state of chaos.

Turkey does not abandon Ukraine – or Russia either:
Because Russia is a superpower, the world starts to fear a potential economic crisis, but Turkey here plays a neutral role in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Turkey indeed supports Ukraine with its cause against Russia. Still, at the same time, Turkey has worked on economic neutrality policy with its trade relations with Russia. Still, after Russia was isolated from the Swift system, trade deals between Russia and Turkey will be completed through The local Russian currency, the ruble, the Chinese yuan, and gold, meanwhile putting Turkey in a high economic position; therefore, the Turkish economy is one of the few global economies that was not damaged due to the current political-economic conflict 

The Turkish economic Status Quo and further plan:
Turkey has maintained its economic relations with both countries thanks to its neutral stance. it has become the first economic alternative for many European and American international companies, which in turn closed their business in Russia. Consequently, European and American countries need a quick alternative.

On this basis, US President Joe Biden announced his intention to expand trade relations with Turkey, Which is considered the essential central economic partner in the world, possesses the advanced infrastructure and human resources capable of securing and meeting the needs of the European-American market, with In addition to the critical geographical location on many of the world's articulated corridors, in addition to Turkey's possession of a large base of airports and important logistical ports.

The Ukraine-Russia war spreads a new global trade door for Turkey (weapon manufacturing - exporting):
In 2018, considerable trade agreements were concluded between Turkey and Ukraine, with more than 5 billion dollars. Then the intention was announced to raise the value of investment to 20 billion dollars by 2022, the contracts and work on many cooperation agreements between the two countries in the field of development Military.

As part of this step, agreements were concluded for the joint development and manufacture of Turkish weapons with Ukraine. Locally made Turkish weapons were sold to Ukraine, which has proven their efficiency since the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war, such as:

- Bayraktar offensive and defensive marches 2-TB
- S-125. missile defense system
- Drones, military avionics
- Space technologies, observation satellites
- Diesel engines and turbine engines
- Anti-ship missile defense

The Turkish Defense Minister and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that after the victories of Turkish weapons in the Russian-Ukrainian battles, the global demand for arms purchases from Turkey increased. The Turkish President declared that:

Countries manufacturing their weapons will be leaving the theater of slavery for European countries and America sooner or later. He declared that the world should wait for considerable outstanding achievements that Turkey will export to the world.

Turkey's winning monetary card (natural gas):
We know that in the past, obstacles and difficulties were unjustly created in the face of Turkey to prevent it from discovering natural gas within the waters of the Black and Mediterranean Seas. Many European companies came to Turkey to Exploration for gas to declare their failure later, unless Turkey explored natural gas fields that would be able to self-sufficiency Turkey from importing energy for more than 30 years, and even creating the ability to export natural energy to Europe, which imports natural gas through Russia.

However, the prominent turning matter that occurred recently is the Russian-Ukrainian war, which resulted in European countries. The US will cut diplomatic ties with Russia, thus endangering its survival without natural gas.

On this basis, the West changed its attitude towards Turkey and worked to motivate it to discover and extract natural gas as soon as possible. Even US President Joe Biden announced his intention to invest in infrastructure, which will speed up the extraction of natural gas in Turkey and its request to resolve the dispute over the Mediterranean waters, and drew the regional borders between Turkey and Greece as soon as possible.

On this basis, the Minister of Foreign Affairs visited Turkey recently, as did the German Chancellor, who announced his country's readiness to cooperate in energy investment, extraction, and export to Europe.

Thanks to its neutral stance in the Ukrainian-Russian war, Turkey has achieved substantial economic gains. Also, thanks to its robust infrastructure, that will be an investment leader in renewable energy and many other fields.

Recently Turkish President Erdogan stressed that Turkey would occupy global ranks where the most important global economies compete. The Russian-Ukrainian war will push the Turkish economy forward, not opposite what the world expected.

However, the question that many investors have at the moment is Turkey is still a safe destination for investment and housing?

And the answer of our experts says: Yes, Turkey today is stronger and more economically efficient than ever before, and in terms of real estate in Turkey, experts expect that Turkey as a safe, robust, and promising land in terms of economy and infrastructure will witness a vital boom and rise in prices and that the value of the real estate in Turkey today is the most competitive in the region, and tomorrow the estimated value will increase dramatically, and the general situation will never be the same as before.

Ultimately, we're aware of the sensibility of the new stage of constructing a totally new life, but as long as Turkey Advisors as experts of real estate in Turkey, life in Turkey, are beside you, no need to worry about the next page, our professional team will always be ready to assist you in finding the most refined and most luxurious property in Istanbul, apartments or villas nearby the sea, luxury properties, or commercial type, make sure that we're glad to give you what you deserve and expecting for in your future hometown.

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